Monday, February 11, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI Shocker

Pope Benedict XVI is RESIGNING?!

That was the first news that hit my eyes this morning.

Well, I am speechless.

There is/will be all kinds of commentary and speculation and all that.

I don’t know what to think, and anyway I just woke up. The first cup of coffee has been only half-consumed.

Dr. Ed Peters has a guide to all-canon-law-things-papal-election right here.  Check Fr. Z and all the other usual sources for commentary and information.

See more here.


  1. Stunned and sad. My next thought, after a little bit of time, was faith that the Holy Spirit will bring forward the right man for the Church and the world in these evil times. Cardinal Burke?

  2. Me too but also I feel like a ship that lost its rudder. Kathy

  3. Me three. You both echo my thoughts exactly. And as I "let go" of this Pope, I am filled with hope. I think he is wise to resign; the times definitely call for someone who has a lot of physical stamina as well as spiritual strength. The Pope understands that better than we do, having lived it.

  4. Maybe it is time for the first American Pope. Burke would be an outstanding choice to continue and expand the work begun by Benedict

  5. My dear friends I was shocked and yet no suprised at this news since our Holy Father's health is failing to some degree . Time to rest and relax and a NEW POPE is on the horizon . Who will it be ???? Cardinal Burke would be my choice for sure. I had the privilege to meet him last year at the Oratory and greet him . Oh what a beautiful man ! Now has anyone heard that this NEXT Pope will be the last Pope ???? I read this on a Catholic web page .
    Interesting to say the least !

  6. I pray that the Holy Father will be at peace with his decision. However, he appeared quite confident as he read his statement. The wolves have been circling for some time now (since 2005, to be exact). In some respects, I can almost see his decision as a strategic move for the Church. Time will tell. Lent is nearly upon us - time to pray and fast. The choice for the next Pope is in God's hands - the Holy Ghost will pick the best person for the job!

    We are living in interesting times . . . . I wonder how many Cardinals are praying that they won't be selected!!!

  7. The end of the popes? See

  8. I will confess to shedding a few tears at the announcement last night (my time). It was a huge shock to the system, but reflection has allowed me to step back a bit and think of the Church and Her role in all of this.

    Pope Benedict has been a wonderful shepherd, although I was amused to read in the Daily Mail that "...not even his most ardent admirers could claim he achieved very much."

    LOL. How blind they are. This Pontiff is a giant among men, and has accomplished more than they will ever know. His injunction for catholics to 'know their Faith' has brought so many back into the fold and has contributed to many more unbelievers seeing the Light.

    The repercussions will be felt for a long time.

    As to who will be the next Pope? I'm honestly not fussed. I do love Cardinal George Pell, but I'll leave it up to the Conclave and the Holy Spirit.

  9. Nilk, Of course we received the same "rave" Associated Press review about the Pope here in the states. I'm happy to say though that our local newspaper subscription is due to run out soon and we don't plan to renew. It's really only good for starting fires in our wood-burning stove and I can buy starter sticks for that!

    God bless our current and future Pontiffs!


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